Friday 14 October 2016

Birthing Your Destiny With Words! Final!!!

Hi guys, I'm so sorry I couldn't bring the final part of this series yesterday. Thank you all for reading and I'm sure that it has blessed you as it has  me.
So today, we'll be concluding this series by relating it to our purpose, vision or revelations as Christians.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Birth Your Destiny With Your Words! 2

Hey guys, how'd the day go?
Yesterday, we started this topic with understanding the efficacy of words and how that God requires us to consistently speak His words because they have the life that our destiny needs.
see here for more

I rounded off with Ezekiel being an example of someone that spoke into reality the revelation given to him by God Himself.
Prophet Ezekiel is very popular with the "dry bones shall rise again" story in the bible. But while a preacher talked about the dry bones in church, something caught my eyes in the course of Ezekiel's dialogue with God. But before the dialogue started, Ezekiel, in chapter 37 vs 1, explicitly said that the spirit of God took him to a valley of dry bones, which signifies lifelessness.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Birth Your Destiny With Your Words! 1

Have  you ever wondered why most motivational speakers emphasize the need to repeat certain phrases like "I am Great"! or "I can  do it"! or "I can excel"! Well, it's because they understand the power of words, or better still they understand the principle behind continuous proclamation and how that when we speak a certain thing continuously, our minds get to absorb it. Then, we believe it, and eventually begin to work towards it.

It won't surprise us as Christians that these principles were taken from the Bible. But the question is how many of us actually use this spiritual principle to better our lives? As sons of the Most High (male and female alike),

Monday 19 September 2016

One Body, One Spirit, One Hope 2!

Hi everyone! Trust you're all doing great? Remember, where there is a casting down, we say that there is a lifting up for us- Job 22:29 (paraphrased).
Okay, so let's start from where we left off shall we? Great!

Thursday 25 August 2016

One Body, One Spirit, One Hope!

Hello dear readers! It's always a pleasure sharing a reality from the word of God. My earnest prayer is that we live the true life of the word as this is God's intention for every child of His.
Okay, so I thought to share a reality today because some Christians face this challenge at one time or another in our lives, and this causes some level contention in the body of Christ. This contention, in turn, breaks the bond of peace that Apostle Paul talks about in Ephesians 4:2-3.

So, today's post was actually inspired by a bible study I had with a dear friend.
Well, we'll be talking about your place in the body of Christ and being contented with what part you belong

Monday 11 July 2016

Feel Empty After Talking? Stop! 2

The first part of this topic talked about how we should watch our mouths, alongside things that come out of it, and how the Holy Spirit would always nudge us in our spirit when we're about to cross the line. Then that awkward moment comes when we disobey and after having a good laugh for the day, and about to reflect, you feel empty and find it quite difficult to connect with yourself and the Holy Spirit.
I can almost hear someone say 'yes, how did you know that?'  Well, it's because I've been there! I'm human! I've disobeyed, I've talked too much too! And yes! I've blamed it on my temperament! But I wonder why self control is a fruit of the Spirit if we're going to keep giving excuses and blaming our temperament, while we're indirectly saying 'I won't control my mouth!' .

Okay, enough of the blame game.

Thursday 30 June 2016

Feel Empty After Talking? Stop! Part 1

Have you ever had a long talk with someone and felt empty right after that? or had a good laugh over something someone said and felt quite 'off ' afterward? Or you feel a part of you is gone after either or both scenarios?
 Well, the good news is that you're not alone in this ( I, and tons of other Christians feel that way sometimes and we should talk about things like this more often).
The bad news is that 'something' has really left. Remember when the woman with the issue of blood touched Jesus and He said virtue (power)  has left him? Yes. It's the same. Only that the reasons are different.
Another bad news is if we feel like virtue has left us, then