Thursday 30 June 2016

Feel Empty After Talking? Stop! Part 1

Have you ever had a long talk with someone and felt empty right after that? or had a good laugh over something someone said and felt quite 'off ' afterward? Or you feel a part of you is gone after either or both scenarios?
 Well, the good news is that you're not alone in this ( I, and tons of other Christians feel that way sometimes and we should talk about things like this more often).
The bad news is that 'something' has really left. Remember when the woman with the issue of blood touched Jesus and He said virtue (power)  has left him? Yes. It's the same. Only that the reasons are different.
Another bad news is if we feel like virtue has left us, then

Tuesday 7 June 2016

The Christian and Wishful Thinking

Let's begin today's post with a scripture ( The scripture always shows us the way, right? Psalm 119: 105 says so).
Proverbs 24: 27 says
Prepare thy work without, and make it fit for thyself in the field: and afterward, build thine house.
When I read this scripture, it was as though I was hit with something harder than a blow. Why? I've always wanted to be like people I admired, but it's either I didn't do what they did to succeed or I lost my identity in the process of trying to be as successful as they are. I've learnt my lessons from both sides though. (Smh)
Truth is, as Christians,

Sunday 5 June 2016

People and Excuses...

Hi guys, it's been a while here and I so miss sharing my thoughts as I get inspired. This post is particularly inspired by a very recent experience with different kinds of people I met ( to think that I just started understanding the meaning of love in 1Cor 13 from verse 5).
 Anyway, I learnt three things about people and three other things about love .
Things I learnt about the people I met.