Thursday 30 June 2016

Feel Empty After Talking? Stop! Part 1

Have you ever had a long talk with someone and felt empty right after that? or had a good laugh over something someone said and felt quite 'off ' afterward? Or you feel a part of you is gone after either or both scenarios?
 Well, the good news is that you're not alone in this ( I, and tons of other Christians feel that way sometimes and we should talk about things like this more often).
The bad news is that 'something' has really left. Remember when the woman with the issue of blood touched Jesus and He said virtue (power)  has left him? Yes. It's the same. Only that the reasons are different.
Another bad news is if we feel like virtue has left us, then
the discussion was probably a waste of time, which the Holy Spirit would have warned us against anyway ( like He would every son of God).
Enough of the bad news though. Let's see (together) what the Bible has to say about talking too much, especially about unimportant stuff.
 King David, in Psalm 141:3 said a prayer to God, asking Him to guard his mouth and set watch over his mouth. The reason for this is not far fetched, and it's because he understood how much power can be lost by running his mouth. and of course, he wanted God to order every step of his; even to the words he spoke.
 Let's see the book of wisdom shall we? Proverbs 25:28 says that a man that has no self control is like a city with broken walls. What does that tell us? If we continue to ALLOW   our mouth suffer from diarrhea (Lol!) then we lose grip of our guard and we say just anything, possibly to please those around us or to keep the 'fun talk' going. Fast forward, we feel far from God and don't feel adequate enough to talk to Him and repent from our wrong.
We really need to study James 3 at our quite time. The tongue, when not controlled can do some dangerous stuff if we're not careful.
And don't think of blaming it on temperaments because there is something as 'spirit- controlled' temperament. Since I became born again, the Holy Spirit has helped me to exhibit the four major kinds of temperament where necessary so I don't act inappropriately. Not that I don't make mistakes, but when I do, I find my way back to God and ALLOW Him to keep molding me, and leading me.
P.S: We can only say that the Holy Spirit leads us when we follow His leading; obey Him.

Did I hear you ask I get back on track? I'll tell you all about it tomorrow, D.V. This I can boldly say though; I know whom I have believed and I can say that He always wants us back. Always!

From me to you: Guard your heart with ALL diligence or out of it flows the issues of life... even what comes out of your mouth! #DelonixCares

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