Thursday 25 August 2016

One Body, One Spirit, One Hope!

Hello dear readers! It's always a pleasure sharing a reality from the word of God. My earnest prayer is that we live the true life of the word as this is God's intention for every child of His.
Okay, so I thought to share a reality today because some Christians face this challenge at one time or another in our lives, and this causes some level contention in the body of Christ. This contention, in turn, breaks the bond of peace that Apostle Paul talks about in Ephesians 4:2-3.

So, today's post was actually inspired by a bible study I had with a dear friend.
Well, we'll be talking about your place in the body of Christ and being contented with what part you belong
because you are equally as important as the rest of the body.

Our anchor scriptures are Ephesians 4: 2-13 and 1 Corinthians 12:12-20.
Apostle Paul in these two scriptures talk about everyone ( first of all) knowing that they are part of the body of Christ and he urges everyone to be faithful and diligent in the assignment given to us having being grafted into Jesus' body.

Sometimes, some of us seem like we've been cheated out of getting the best of God's gifts because we do not manifest "power" the same way some others do and we so much covet those manifestations that we begin to lose ourselves in the process, and we begin to think that we're not doing very well in our walk with God.
We wish we could "show off" a little more power like prophesying in church or operating in word of Knowledge or healing. Well, I've been there, I've done that. I practically begged God for a particular gift till I got tired. But when I got a grasp of these scriptures, I realized certain truths that I'm going to share with us.
Before we delve into these truths, let's have a rhetorical question- and- answer- moment shall we? Great!

Well, what would our physical body be like if it were all hands, or all legs, or all eyes, or all mouth? ( Let's imagine our body being just one large hand or one large mouth.unimaginable right?!)
Okay,  I'm going to make it a tweeny little bit easier ( God help me). Imagine our body as it is now; flesh and all, but without  intestines, kidneys, liver, the bladder, and other UNSEEN but very important parts of the body? That's weird, right? Thought so too!

Well, we'll leave it at this juncture today. We'll have the second part of this some other time, till then, let's ruminate over these rhetorical questions...

From me to you:  And if we were all one member, where were the body? 1 Corinthians 12:20.  We all have different grace. We all have different races, BUT ONE GOAL!   #DelonixCares

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