Friday 14 October 2016

Birthing Your Destiny With Words! Final!!!

Hi guys, I'm so sorry I couldn't bring the final part of this series yesterday. Thank you all for reading and I'm sure that it has blessed you as it has  me.
So today, we'll be concluding this series by relating it to our purpose, vision or revelations as Christians.

 Now, I'm not saying we should keep repeating these declarations like those who don't believe what they're saying or those who doubt its manifestation, but I'm talking about declaring revelations and instructions as given by God because we trust Him enough to bring it to pass. Even when we are afraid, we take captive every thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God in our minds. It's okay to be frightful at first, but we have the responsibility to not allow those thoughts get a hold of our minds. Now, that's where declaration comes in. 2 Corinthians 4:13 after all, says I believe, therefore, I speak (paraphrased). Therefore, onus is on us to keep speaking; keep declaring.

Okay now, we saw yesterday that Ezekiel's prophecy was a continuous one and that brought the bones to shape and the muscles and the flesh together. Well, that'what happens in the spirit realm when we keep speaking into our destiny. Realty is not our flesh neither is this earth nor the physical things that we see. The real show happens in the spirit realm. That's the real deal. That's why the bible explains that the things which we see were made out of things we do not see (Hebrews 11:3, paraphrased). So, if we want that God-given vision to be birthed (which is always spiritual first) we should learn to keep speaking those words that only the spirit realm recognizes (remember John 6:63?). Yes, the words are spirit (so they have access to the spirit world) and they are life (so, they make dry bones- which could be figurative- to come alive).
 Only the word of God can truly birth a vision, but that word may not work for us if we don't declare it as many times as it takes for the dry bones to come together; for the muscles and the flesh form; for the vision to shape and be clear.
In the same vein, there are Christians who have seen a clear picture of their assignment, who know that it has taken shape; who are travailing in the spirit, and still have not really started manifesting. Don't lose hope. God wasn't through with Ezekiel when the sinews and the flesh covered those bones. He told Him to go further, having seen that the prophet obeyed the first step.
In verse 8b, Ezekiel began to have a concern that might have grown into doubt when he said that there was no life in those newly restored bodies. We could get like that when it seems like God is not speaking about the next step or showing us the whole picture, and we begin to worry... It's normal for us to get like that, only that we have to watch it lest we are caught up with anxiety and doubt sets in, and we all know God doesn't work with a "doubting Thomas". Lol!
God, in His mercy, then told Ezekiel what to do next (prophesy according to the words God spoke to him) and the bodies were revived. It took unwavering faith and continuous declaration. It still does in our time. So, let's not give up. Let's keep declaring and forth-telling and prophesying, till we see God's will perfected in our lives, and of course, we have to be ready to submit to His will too... And trust Him till the end NO MATER WHAT!

From me to youI ask for special grace for us not to give up our God given vision and purpose. May we keep travailing in the place of payer till we bring forth, In Jesus' Name... Amen
#DelonixCares, but God cares the most!!!

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